What’s My Calling, My Purpose?
The most frequent question I get asked is….. “What is my calling, my purpose?” So many of us have this yearning to be fulfilling, and living ‘on’ purpose. We feel the deep urge to be of service and help humanity. Helping to see, and leave, the illusion of 3D living (the drama, blame, shame game)…
Read MoreA Soul’s Journey
There was a soul whose time had come to take a human birth and so it went to the great cavern in the infinite void where all such souls went. In the cavern were hundreds of thousands of souls, each manifesting as a small blue flame. When it’s time came, the soul stood up and…
Read MoreHealing The Past Can Change Your Future!
Do you believe you can change your future by healing your past? No? Well, I do hope you will read my blog post, to see how it IS possible. Go on what have you go to loose but a few moments of your time and you could gain some really helpful insights? But first…
Read MoreTaking Care of No.1
Do you make time to take care of yourself? Or do you put everyone else first, leaving you with no time or energy to do things for you. After all that’s what being a good parent, carer, partner, good friend means, isn’t it? Well, actually……… NO – and here’s why….. You know when you go…
Read MoreGrounding – What Is It And Why Is It So Important?
Grounding is the process of physically connecting ourselves to the Earth, to planet Earth. It means being firmly rooted. Ok! But…… Why is Grounding So Important? Well, let’s look at it first from a scientific perspective. If you think about it we are electrical beings, right! Parts of our body communicate through ‘electrical’ impulses. Now…
Read MoreAre You In Your Head, Your Body Or Somewhere Else?
This may sound like a strange question but you know we often don’t fully inhabit all of our body all of the time. Sometimes we can get stuck in our heads and at other times we can energetically jump out of our body, either completely or partially. Why would we do that? Well, being…
Read MoreBirthing a New Age – Self Mastery “Right now we’re in a transition period between ages. It’s the most important time in our evolution, well, since the times of Atlantis and Lemuria that is. We’ve had the ‘Industrial Age’, The ‘Technological Age’, now we’re moving into what some call The Golden Age, others call it…
Read MoreMy 6 Top Ways To Ground Guide!
My 6 Top Ways To Ground Guide! Here are the 6 top ways I use to ground myself. Why not try each in turn to see which resonates with you. Bear in mind though, that this might vary from day-to-day and will depend on how you are feeling and what you have been doing. Enjoy!…
Read MoreAre You The One?
June’s Newsletter……. Are you at that point in your life where you know ‘things’ have to change? You know, and feel, that you ARE READY to ‘step up to the plate’ and step into your DIVINITY? Do you have a sense and deep ‘knowing’ that there is so much more to this world than material…
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