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Soul Awakening

Adele's Story: A Journey of Healing & Growth

I have worked with Adele on and off for many years and 18 months ago she contacted me saying she was feeling stuck and at a “turning point” in her life.

She was dissatisfied with certain areas of her life and didn’t really know how to move forward or even what changes to make.

Adele knew that the gentle nudges she was getting were to contact me. She had experienced those before.  She remembered the shifts and break-throughs she had made in her life following our sessions and she knew she needed that kind of help again, to get her life back on a fulfilling and wholesome track. So Adele rang me.

It was lovely to hear from her again and we chatted. Adele filled me in on what had been happening in her life since our last session. Adele needed to get away from her everyday life and focus on herself. She needed to clear her head and get some things off her chest, and so she decided to book a healing Retreat weekend with me.


Adele’s Healing Retreat

A few weeks later Adele arrived and once she had settled in began to tell me what was going on in her life.  She explained that she was on long-term sick leave from work with a chronic back problem and that her consultant had recommended a surgical procedure.

You see Adele was in a job that no longer brought her joy, it was no longer fulfilling her and she wanted out, but just couldn’t see a way of being able to do that.

She was very experienced and had a position of great responsibility and that came with a good salary. She was frightened that starting afresh somewhere else, meant she wouldn’t earn enough money to live on or support her family.

Adele was well aware that she had created her back pain as an avoidance strategy of going to the job she no longer felt in alignment with!

Adele also spoke about her relationship.  Things were not as she would have liked them to be but she couldn’t put her finger on what was wrong, but she knew that it wasn’t the partnership she had hoped for, any more.

Adele hadn’t had the confidence or the strength to even begin to talk about this with her partner, after all she didn’t fully understand what was wrong herself!


What We Did!

Over our weekend together we did lots of energy work. We cleared her energy field of all old, negative energies, that had been eroding her self esteem, confidence and sparkle. We also cleared energies that were not hers – this can be so hindersom for the Soul, as it obscures your souls path from you.

I also guided Adele to reclaim all her energy.

You see, like most people I work with, she had given away or left behind (and not only in this life time) parts of her energy field. Many Lightworkers do this and they do it for all the right reasons. But, it does mean they have given parts of themselves away. They are now like a jigsaw puzzle that has missing pieces, and so the Soul is no longer complete or able to see the bigger picture of this life. This creates the feeling of lack of direction or clarity in ones life and in ones life’s purpose.

We balanced her chakras, and she took quiet time down on the beach to consolidate and reflect on the work we had done and on her life and what she wanted her life to look like in the future.

On our final day we did some manifesting processes.  Through guided journeys and exercises Adele was able to get clear on what she wanted for her future and she made some powerful commitment statements and life visioning prayer, which I was very privileged to bear witness to as she read them out loud, for me AND the Universe to hear.

Adele went home sparkling, with a new outlook on life and herself.


A New Life!

A few days after she returned home I heard from Adele. She called, very proud of herself, to say that she had been able to “stand in her power and speak her truth” with her partner.  She’d had the clarity, the courage and the strength to say things to her partner she had never done before. She had been able to firmly yet lovingly set some new boundaries with her partner and that this had helped bring her relationship to a new and easier place.

A few weeks later I received another, very excited call from Adele  – her dream had come true, she had been offered, and taken redundancy. This was the answer to her life visioning prayers, yay.

Once she’d made the decision to accept her redundancy her back pain disappeared and so she wasn’t going to need the planned surgical procedure after all!  How wonderful is that?

Redundancy meant she could now leave the job she no longer enjoyed and retrain in a new direction. Adele had got clarity on her life purpose and her redundancy was going to fund her retraining as a Reflexologist.

In the following months Adele started a successful and growing therapy practice and got a prestigious contract working within the NHS doing what she loved, Reflexology.


Journeying Deeper!

About a year later I was looking for case studies to complete my training as a Journey Practitioner and Adele answered the call. She had ‘stuff’ coming up that she needed help with, and she wanted to take her life up to a new level. She had had some wonderful things happen to her since her Retreat, and felt doing further work was the right thing for her to do.

During our Journey processes Adele uncovered and healed some very old wounds and beliefs, and that freed her from some very limiting patterns.

To her surprise this too helped move her relationship to change. The wounds she healed and the forgiveness she was able to offer, enabled her relationship to shift to a new level, where she could share and open with her partner in ways that were new and heartful.

The beautiful thing about us working on ourselves is that it can also change our relationships with others. Adele’s partner started to change his way of relating to her, offering her new found kindness, openness and heartfulness that he had never been able to before.

Adele shared with me that although she was easily able to show her feelings and vulnerability with strangers or people she didn’t know very well, she was not able to be open and be vulnerable with her partner or family.

It was during our Journey sessions that Adele uncovered the reasons why this was so, we did some healing processes, we dissolved the energetic ties and she was able to fully forgive, not only the people involved in the event, but also herself.

You see it’s forgiveness that truly heals. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean we condone their behaviour, it means we free ourselves of the toxic energy and unlock ourselves from the past so that we can live in the NOW.

Following-up with Adele, as is required of my case studies, Adele was very pleased, if a little anxious about a recent invitation she had received. Would she be up to it?  She had been invited to take her unique combination of healing and reflexology to the far East.

It was such a life confirming event for her, but she couldn’t understand why it was bringing ‘stuff’ up for her and she wasn’t sure if she could cope with all that needed to be done to get herself there!


The Gremlins

You see when we step up to the plate, step more fully in to our life and soul purpose, old hidden sabotages can surface, I lovingly call them gremlins. The gremlins’ job is to support us, but gremlin(s) are always working with old versions of who we are, they have never been updated on who we are now or who we are becoming.This is what Adele was experiencing.

Her gremlins were having a hissy fit, coming up with all sorts of ways of getting her to cancel her trip. gremlinThrough some more Journeying and coaching Adele was able to update her gremlins so it/they would work with her in her new quests, help her prioritize her time, so that she could take her leap of faith and travel to the far East.

Adele worked with her gremlins and I’m very pleased to say she went to the Far East and not only did she do some amazing healing work with her clients there, and get remunerated very well for it, she also experienced deep levels of healing for herself.  You see she had moved outside of her comfort zone, she traveled to far away places, trusted in herself and life and had the most wonderful experience of her life.

When we move outside our comfort zone we can then experience life to the fullest, the richest and the most rewarding.

I’m very pleased to say that Adele has been invited back to the Far East to do further healing work.

So many synchronicities have come her way.


Because Adele had done the inner work and because she says yes to the opportunities that come her way, once she’s checked her intuition of course!

Her latest invitation is to work in exclusive clinics in Chelsea.

I can’t wait to see what she manifests next!


What Did Adele Do To Create These Changes?

First and foremost Adele used her intuition.

She was prepared to do the inner work, to go deep within and face the unknown hidden there. She took action and most importantly sought help when she needed it.

It’s an honour, privilege and delight to walk with Adele, and all my clients, along their path with them. I can only imagine that the pride and gratitude I feel is like the feeling a Mum has when her child grows into a resourceful, well balanced and loving adult.

How lucky am I to witness this.


If you need help who do you turn to?

If you would like to come on Retreat to the Jurassic coast of West Dorset and experience your own transformational healing Retreat please email me to arrange an appointment where we can talk about your situation and answer any questions you may have.

Retreats are available in January and February, 2017.

For further details and photographs click here.

The transformations I have received from having healings and doing The Journey work are hard to put into words – its like when you’re in Source, there are no words to describe it.” Adele.

A heart-felt thank you to Adele for giving permission to share her story.

Healing Retreat Packages in W. Dorset, UK


“I feel renewed, re-charged and ready to face the world again.”

“I have experienced some profound healing and experiences over the past couple of days and for that I am very grateful.”

