Building The Bridge to Your Soul
Date:Â Â Â Â TBC Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Time:   10.15am - 5.30pm                  Â
Venue:Â Lymington, Hampshire
Are you ready to go to a new level in your spiritual development?
Are you committed to building a connection with your Soul?
Are you ready to work more consciously with your Soul?
If you answered 'yes' to any, or all, of the above questions, then this Workshop might be your next step?
The Aim of The Workshop
The aim of this 1-day workshop, is to prepare our energy bodies, personality and our mind to reconnect with our Soul, that part of us that is Divine and eternal. Â To experience a more conscious connection with our Soul.
The experiential nature of this workshop, will enable you to :
- Re-connect, and deepend your connection to your Earth and Soul Star chakras
- Cleanse and clear your auric field of psychic debris, and karmic and ancestral patterns that may have been blocking you from connecting with your Soul
- Heal and integrate aspects of your personality that have been limiting or preventing you from moving forward on your Soul's path and purpose
- Widen your Antakarana, your inner 'light channel' that links to your Soul, so that you can increase the level of light within your being
- Connect with your Soul
The time is NOW for humanity to 're-member' its Divine nature and heritage.
"Integrating our Soul and personality are our collective purpose to enable humanity to reconnect, re-member and live in Oneness." Maia Ana.
If this workshop speaks to your heart and resonates with you and your journey, then it would be my delight and honour to share this day with you.
To Register Your Interest
If this Workshop resonates with you and you'd like to know when the next one is, please drop me an email with 'Building The Bridge To Your Soul Workshop Waiting List' in the subject line.