A Soul’s Journey
There was a soul whose time had come to take a human birth and so it went to the great cavern in the infinite void where all such souls went. In the cavern were hundreds of thousands of souls, each manifesting as a small blue flame.
When it’s time came, the soul stood up and said, “My time has come to take human incarnation, for I have work to do and many lessons to learn. In my life as a human I shall need a family and loving friends to help me, to love me and to nurture me. Who will be my friends and family on Earth?”
A ripple flickered across the thousands of flames and shortly, a few stood forward and said “We do not know you. We have not met before and are strangers; but being kind and giving love is a pleasant and easy task. We will be your friends and family on Earth”.
The soul spoke again and said, “And on Earth I shall need teachers. People to guide me, to correct me and to discipline me. Who will be my teachers?”
Again a ripple went around the assembled flames, and a group came forward and said “We have known you in other lives and we have grown to respect and like you. We will take on the task of being your teachers in life”.
And a third time the soul spoke and said, “And on Earth, if I am to learn the greatest lessons of all, the lessons of humility, tolerance under provocation, and love to those who hate me, I shall need enemies. I shall need people to hate me, abuse me and to violence against me. Who will do this for me? Who will be my enemies?”
There was a long pause in the cavern until, at least, a small group came forward and said “We are your soul group. We have known and loved you over eons of time and your growth and learning are as dear to us as our own. This is the most delicate and difficult of tasks and if you are to be hurt and abused, it were better done by loving friends. We will be your enemies on Earth”.
Hi – this is so pertinent to a clairvoyant cards/runes and palm reading I had recently with the amazing Donna Maxine – many thanks itwas so helpful and supportive in my releasing past inherited pain associated with ny earth family – I have always been the odd one out and not acepted- I can now send my thanks to them and leave familial pain ehind and more importantly move on along my soul journey with my soul group
Oh I’m so glad Ellie that it’s brought you ‘closure’ and wish you a truely wonderful journey with your Soul family / group. And….
Thank you for letting me know as it validates my intuition to share this at this time. Soulful blessings to you my darling.